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Tioga County Real Property data is for 2022 Tentative Assessment Roll

Printing a Portion of a Tax Map

After opening a tax map pdf, right click on the map.

In the context menu, choose Marquee zoom.

On the map:

                Place the cursor where you want one corner of the area that you want to print.

Hold down the left mouse button while you drag the cursor to the opposite corner of the area that you want to print.

When you release the mouse button the map will zoom to the area that you indicated.

                If you didn’t get what you wanted:

                                Right click on the map.

                                In the context menu, choose Previous View.

                                Try to designate the desired area again using the procedure described above.

                When you are satisfied with the map extent:

                                Right click on the map.

                                In the context menu, choose Print.

In the Print dialog box:

                Set the Printer to the one that you want to print the map.

                Under Pages to Print:

                                Click on More Options.

                                Select Current view.

                Under Page Sizing and Handling:

                                Choose Fit.

                                Make sure that Choose paper source by PDF page size is NOT checked.

                Under Orientation, choose Auto Portrait/Landscape.

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Image Mate Online is Tioga County’s commitment to provide our residents with easy access to real property information. Tioga County, with the cooperation of SDG, provides access to RPS data, tax maps, and photographic images of properties.

Tax maps and images are rendered in many different formats. To properly view the tax maps and images contained within this system you will need to have the following plugins installed:

Adobe Acrobat ReaderAdobe Acrobat Reader